

(VIDEO) How to Download PlayStation 2 Emulator: Get PS2 Emulator on your PC With PCSX2


Hello there, today i am going to show you how to download PlayStation 2 emulator on your PC. Lemme guess, you're really going to love this video! I don't know why I had not posted it earlier! You guys are awesome, anyway, lets get started on how to download PlayStation 2 Emulator on your PC.

Here we go...
What you're going to learn on how to download PlayStation 2 Emulator video tutorial:
  • How to download PlayStation 2 Emulator
  • How to get a PlayStation 2 (PS2) Emulator on your PC With PCSX2
  • How to configure pcsx2 to work with your PC
  • How to configure and connect a controller with your PC
  • How to set how the video comes out, how the audio comes and many more...
Everything you need to succeed in downloading PlayStation 2 emulator is in the below video! Please, don't skip it.
Disclaimer: It would be a good idea to only download games that you own. Please, know that i shall not be hold responsible for any illegal things you do as a result of this how to download PlayStation 2 emulator video! Thank you.

So, Lets continue...

Below, you can find the links to download the PS2 Emulator for PC set up, the BIOS files & the game ISO's files.
Download PS2 Emulator for PC set up file, BIOS files & the game ISO's files: CLICK HERE
Minimum (most games will be unplayable slow)
  • Windows/Linux OS
  • CPU: Any that supports SSE2 (Pentium 4 and up, Athlon64 and up)
  • GPU: Any that supports Pixel Shader model 2.0, except Nvidia FX series (broken SM2.0, too slow anyway)
  • 512MB RAM (note that Windows Vista needs at least 2GB to run reliably)
  • Windows Vista / Windows 7 (32bit or 64bit) with the latest DirectX
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 3.2 GHz or better OR i3/i5/i7 @ 2,8 GHz or better OR AMD Phenom II @ 3,2 GHz or better
  • GPU: 8800gt or better (for Direct3D10 support)
  • RAM: 1GB on Linux/Windows XP, 2GB or more on Vista / Windows 7
  1. To use GSdx's Direct3D 10/11 hardware renderer, you will need a video card and operating system that supports DirectX 10 (Windows Vista and NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS or ATi Radeon 2400 Pro are the minimum software and hardware, respectively, that Support DirectX 10).
  2. To use GSdx-SSSE3, you will need a CPU that supports SSSE3 (Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD FX are the minimum CPUs that support this). To use GSdx-SSE4.1, you will need a CPU that supports SSE4 (Intel Core 2 45 nm CPU or AMD FX are the minimum CPUs that support this).
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